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Parent Speaker Series


The BWL Parent Speaker Series was established in the 2022–2023 school year to bring members of the wider community into BWL’s ongoing dialogue about issues that are important to families today. Whether the featured speaker is an expert on mindfulness, the college process, or freedom of speech, parents can count on a thought-provoking lecture and Q&A with thought leaders whose work is helping to shape our society at large and whose influence is felt in many corners of life including education, parenting, technology, and mental health. The evenings are open to the public and many of our speakers are published authors whose books are available on site.


Join us for our next event!

Dr. Lindsey Cormack Author, Professor, Parent Lindsey Cormack is an associate professor of Political Science and Director of the Diplomacy Lab at the Stevens Institute of Technology. She is the author of the new book How to Raise a Citizen.   Lindsey earned her PhD in Government from New York University and currently serves as the Secretary for Community Board 8 on the UES. This compelling presentation will provide insights and practical strategies to help parents initiate productive political conversations within families and demonstrate how these dialogues not only bolster the critical thinking abilities of children but also foster a climate of understanding and empathy—essential elements that prepare students to become balanced, active citizens instead of passive or polarized ones. Wednesday, September 18, 6:00 p.m., BWL Library